We wish to inform you that your personal data, collected through registration or booking, will be used by:
Lamione da Dorotea, in full compliance with the fundamental principles dictated by Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 Personal Data Protection Code.

Personal data processing operations and purposes
Below, we summarise all the operations we perform that involve the collection, storage or processing of your personal data, and the purposes we pursue with each of them:

  • collection and storage of your personal data for the purpose of providing the booking/purchasing service
  • use of your data for marketing and promotional purposes

Freedom to give consent and consequences of a refusal
The provision of consent to the processing of personal data is necessary. In the event of a refusal to provide consent, it will not be possible for us to provide you with the services listed above.
In the event of a refusal to provide consent, there will be no consequences.

Persons to whom data may be disclosed
The data will be communicated to:
Ma.Vi.Do di D’Amato Vincenza & C. s.a.s. with head office in Laureana Cilento (SA), Via San Paolo 23/B and to any persons appointed by the Data Processor (Art. 29 of Legislative Decree 196/03).

Rights under Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/0
You have the right to update, modify, delete your data by writing to info@lamione.it.

Data Controller and Data Processor
The data controller is:
Vincenza D’Amato for Lamione da Dorotea Gest. Ma.Vi.Do. & C. s.a.s.
with registered office in:
Via San Paolo, 23/B 84050 Laureana Cilento (SA)
Any requests pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 should be addressed to:
Lamione da Dorotea Gest. Ma.Vi.Do. & C. s.a.s. Via San Paolo, 23/B 84050 Laureana Cilento (SA)
The Sole Manager pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 196/03 is:
Lamione da Dorotea

Cookie policy
Cookies are used on our website to allow users a better service and browsing experience.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files sent by the Site to the terminal equipment of the interested party (usually the browser), where they are stored and then transmitted back to the Site the next time the same user visits. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from the user’s hard disk, nor can it transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s web browser.

What cookies do we use?
Technical session cookies
The cookies used on the https://www.lamione.it website have the purpose of carrying out session monitoring and the storage of specific technical information regarding users accessing the site’s servers.
Pursuant to Article 122(1) of the Privacy Code (in the wording in force following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 69/2012), “technical” cookies may be used even without the consent of the person concerned.
For the sake of maximum transparency, we list below a series of technical cookies and cases of specific operation on the Site:

  • cookies used to statistically analyse accesses/visits to the site (“analytics” cookies) that pursue exclusively statistical purposes (and not profiling or marketing) and collect information in aggregate form without the possibility of tracing the identification of the individual user. In these cases, since the legislation in force requires that for analytics cookies the interested party be provided with a clear and adequate indication of the simple ways to object to their installation (including any mechanisms for anonymising the cookies themselves), we specify below the methods for deactivating the cookies installed. The duration of analytics session cookies is 30 minutes.

How to change your cookie settings
Most browsers allow you to delete cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block acceptance of cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored.
Therefore, for the removal of cookies we invite you to follow the instructions on the dedicated pages of the various browsers:

  • Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
  • Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
  • Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
  • Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT

Third-party” cookies
Third-party cookies are pieces of code set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.
This involves the transmission of cookies from third parties. The handling of information collected by “third parties” is governed by the relevant policies to which you should refer. For the sake of transparency and convenience, below, for each cookie operating on our Site, we provide information on the type of cookies used by third-party providers, purposes, retention period, third parties storing the information and accessing it:

Google Analytics https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=it

Google Analytics is an analysis tool from Google that helps website and app owners understand how visitors interact with the content on their website (pages visited, browsing time, etc.) by providing useful statistics aimed at optimising and improving website navigation without identifying the surfer

_utma 2 years
_utmt 10 minutes
_utmb 30 minutes
_utmc until end of session
_utmz 6 months
_utmv 2 years

Google Adwords

Facilitates the search on Google for services offered by the restaurant without collecting or monitoring information that can personally identify a user 30 days

30 days

What happens if I disable cookies?
However, if you block or delete a cookie, it may be impossible to restore your previously specified preferences or personalised settings and our ability to personalise your experience will be limited.

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